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  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Mediterranean Sea''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy), is providing multi-years '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' regional datasets: * '''''plankton''''' with the phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration (CHL) evaluated via region-specific algorithms (Case 1 waters: Volpe et al., 2019, with new coefficients; Case 2 waters, Berthon and Zibordi, 2004) and Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) evaluated via region-specific algorithm (Di Cicco et al. 2017) * '''''reflectance''''' with the spectral Remote Sensing Reflectance (RRS) * '''''transparency''''' with the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (KD490) (for '''"multi'''" observations achieved via region-specific algorithm, Volpe et al., 2019) * '''''optics''''' including the IOPs (Inherent Optical Properties) such as absorption and scattering and particulate and dissolved matter (ADG, APH, BBP), via QAAv6 model (Lee et al., 2002 and updates) * '''''pp''''' with the Integrated Primary Production (PP) '''Upstreams''': SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"olci"''' products '''Temporal resolution''': daily '''Spatial resolution''': 1 km for '''"multi"''' and 300 meters for '''"olci"''' To find this product in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"OCEANCOLOUR_MED_BGC_L3_MY"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''"olci"''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Primary Production ('''PP'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''monthly''' plus, for some variables, '''daily gap-free''' based on a space-time interpolation to provide a "cloud free" product. * Spatial resolutions: '''1 km'''. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Baltic Sea''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy), is providing multi-years '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' regional datasets: * '''''plankton''''' with the phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration (CHL) evaluated via region-specific neural network (Brando et al. 2021) and Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) evaluated via region-specific algorithm * '''''reflectance''''' with the spectral Remote Sensing Reflectance (RRS) * '''''transparency''''' with the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (KD490) '''Upstreams''': SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS, OLCI-S3A (ESA OC-CCIv5) for the '''""multi""''' products, and OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''""olci""''' products '''Temporal resolution''': daily '''Spatial resolution''': 1 km for '''""multi""''' and 300 meters for '''""olci""''' To find this product in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''""OCEANCOLOUR_BAL_BGC_L3_MY""'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Mediterranean Sea''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy), is providing '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' regional datasets: * '''''plankton''''' with the phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration (CHL) evaluated via region-specific algorithms (Case 1 waters: Volpe et al., 2019, with new coefficients; Case 2 waters, Berthon and Zibordi, 2004) and Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) evaluated via region-specific algorithm (Di Cicco et al. 2017) * '''''reflectance''''' with the spectral Remote Sensing Reflectance (RRS) * '''''transparency''''' with the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (KD490) (for '''""multi'''"" observations achieved via region-specific algorithm, Volpe et al., 2019) * '''''optics''''' including the IOPs (Inherent Optical Properties) such as absorption and scattering and particulate and dissolved matter (ADG, APH, BBP), via QAAv6 model (Lee et al., 2002 and updates) '''Upstreams''': SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''""multi""''' products, and OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''""olci""''' products '''Temporal resolution''': daily '''Spatial resolutions''': 1 km for '''""multi""''' and 300 meters for '''""olci""''' To find this product in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''""OCEANCOLOUR_MED_BGC_L3_NRT""'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''"olci"''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Suspended Matter ('''SPM'''), Secchi Transparency Depth ('''ZSD'''), Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''), Particulate Backscattering ('''BBP'''), Absorption Coef. ('''CDM''') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''daily''' * Spatial resolutions: '''4 km''' and a finer resolution based on olci '''300 meters''' inputs. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''"olci"''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Suspended Matter ('''SPM'''), Secchi Transparency Depth ('''ZSD'''), Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''), Particulate Backscattering ('''BBP'''), Absorption Coef. ('''CDM''') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''daily'''. * Spatial resolutions: '''4 km''' and a finer resolution based on olci '''300 meters''' inputs. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''"olci"''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Primary Production ('''PP'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''monthly''' plus, for some variables, '''daily gap-free''' based on a space-time interpolation to provide a "cloud free" product. * Spatial resolutions: '''1 km'''. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''"olci"''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Suspended Matter ('''SPM'''), Secchi Transparency Depth ('''ZSD'''), Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''), Particulate Backscattering ('''BBP'''), Absorption Coef. ('''CDM''') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''daily'''. * Spatial resolutions: '''1 km''' and a finer resolution based on olci '''300 meters''' inputs. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''"olci"''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Primary Production ('''PP'''), Suspended Matter ('''SPM'''), Secchi Transparency Depth ('''ZSD'''), Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''), Particulate Backscattering ('''BBP'''), Absorption Coef. ('''CDM''') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''monthly''' plus, for some variables, '''daily gap-free''' based on a space-time interpolation to provide a "cloud free" product. * Spatial resolutions: '''4 km''' and a finer resolution based on olci '''300 meters''' inputs. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''""multi""''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''""olci""''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Primary Production ('''PP'''), Suspended Matter ('''SPM'''), Secchi Transparency Depth ('''ZSD'''), Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''), Particulate Backscattering ('''BBP'''), Absorption Coef. ('''CDM''') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''monthly''' plus, for some variables, '''daily gap-free''' based on a space-time interpolation to provide a ""cloud free"" product. * Spatial resolutions: '''4 km''' and a finer resolution based on olci '''300 meters''' inputs. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''""GlobColour""'''." '''DOI (product) :'''