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  • '''Short description:''' This Baltic Sea Biogeochemical Reanalysis product provides a biogeochemical reanalysis for the whole Baltic Sea area, inclusive the Transition Area to the North Sea, from January 1993 and up to minus maximum 1 year relative to real time. The product is produced by using the biogeochemical model ERGOM one-way online-coupled with the ice-ocean model system Nemo. All variables are avalable as daily, monthly and annual means and include nitrate, phosphate, ammonium, dissolved oxygen, ph, chlorophyll-a, secchi depth, surface partial co2 pressure and net primary production. The data are available at the native model resulution (1 nautical mile horizontal resolution, and 56 vertical layers). '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' This Baltic Sea biogeochemical model product provides forecasts for the biogeochemical conditions in the Baltic Sea. The Baltic forecast is updated daily providing a new six days forecast. Three different datasets are provided. One with daily means and one with monthly means values for these parameters: nitrate, phosphate, chl-a, ammonium, dissolved oxygen, ph, phytoplankton, zooplankton, silicate, dissolved inorganic carbon, and partial pressure of co2 at the surface. Instantaenous values for the Secchi Depth and light attenuation valid for noon (12Z) are included in the daily mean files/dataset. Additionally a third dataset with daily accumulated values of the netto primary production is available. The product is produced by the biogeochemical model ERGOM (Neumann, 2000) one way coupled to a Baltic Sea set up of the NEMO ocean model, which provides the CMEMS Baltic physical ocean forecast product (BALTICSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_003_006). This biogeochemical product is provided at the models native grid with a resolution of 1 nautical mile in the horizontal, and up to 56 vertical depth levels. The product covers the Baltic Sea including the transition area towards the North Sea (i.e. the Danish Belts, the Kattegat and Skagerrak). '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' This Baltic Sea physical model product provides forecasts for the physical conditions in the Baltic Sea. The Baltic forecast is updated twice daily providing a new six days forecast. Several datasets are provided: One with hourly instantaneous values, one with daily mean values and one with monthly mean values, all containing these parameters: sea level variations, ice concentration and thickness at the surface, and temperature, salinity and horizontal and vertical velocities for the 3D field. Additionally a dataset with 15 minutes (instantaneous) surface values are provided for the sea level variation and the surface horizontal currents. The product is produced by a Baltic Sea set up of the NEMOv4.0 ocean model. This product is provided at the models native grid with a resolution of 1 nautical mile in the horizontal, and up to 56 vertical depth levels. The area covers the Baltic Sea including the transition area towards the North Sea (i.e. the Danish Belts, the Kattegat and Skagerrak). The ocean model is forced with Stokes drift data from the Baltic Wave forecast product (BALTICSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_WAV_003_010). Satellite SST, ice concentrations and in-situ T and S profiles are assimilated into the model's analysis field. '''DOI (product) :'''