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  • '''Short description:''' This Baltic Sea Biogeochemical Reanalysis product provides a biogeochemical reanalysis for the whole Baltic Sea area, inclusive the Transition Area to the North Sea, from January 1993 and up to minus maximum 1 year relative to real time. The product is produced by using the biogeochemical model ERGOM one-way online-coupled with the ice-ocean model system Nemo. All variables are avalable as daily, monthly and annual means and include nitrate, phosphate, ammonium, dissolved oxygen, ph, chlorophyll-a, secchi depth, surface partial co2 pressure and net primary production. The data are available at the native model resulution (1 nautical mile horizontal resolution, and 56 vertical layers). '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' The biogeochemical reanalysis for the Black Sea is produced by the MAST/ULiege Production Unit by means of the BAMHBI biogeochemical model. The workflow runs on the CECI hpc infrastructure (Wallonia, Belgium). ''Product Citation'': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products. ''DOI (product)'':

  • '''Short description:''' The Med MFC physical multiyear product is generated by a numerical system composed of an hydrodynamic model, supplied by the Nucleous for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) and a variational data assimilation scheme (OceanVAR) for temperature and salinity vertical profiles and satellite Sea Level Anomaly along track data. It contains a reanalysis dataset and an interim dataset which covers the period after the reanalysis until 1 month before present. The model horizontal grid resolution is 1/24˚ (ca. 4-5 km) and the unevenly spaced vertical levels are 141. '''Product Citation''': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products '''DOI (Product)''': '''DOI (Interim dataset)''':

  • '''Short description:''' This Baltic Sea Physical Reanalysis product provides a reanalysis for the physical conditions for the whole Baltic Sea area, inclusive the Transition Area to the North Sea, from January 1993 and up to minus maximum 1 year relative to real time. The product is produced by using the ice-ocean model system Nemo. All variables are avalable as daily, monthly and annual means and include sea level, ice concentration, ice thickness, salinity, temperature, horizonal velocities and the mixed layer depths. The data are available at the native model resulution (1 nautical mile horizontal resolution, and 56 vertical layers). '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short Description''' The Mediterranean Sea biogeochemical reanalysis at 1/24° of horizontal resolution (ca. 4 km) covers the period from Jan 1999 to 1 month to the present and is produced by means of the MedBFM3 model system. MedBFM3, which is run by OGS (IT), includes the transport model OGSTM v4.0 coupled with the biogeochemical flux model BFM v5 and the variational data assimilation module 3DVAR-BIO v2.1 for surface chlorophyll. MedBFM3 is forced by the physical reanalysis (MEDSEA_MULTIYEAR_PHY_006_004 product run by CMCC) that provides daily forcing fields (i.e., currents, temperature, salinity, diffusivities, wind and solar radiation). The ESA-CCI database of surface chlorophyll concentration (CMEMS-OCTAC REP product) is assimilated with a weekly frequency. Cossarini, G., Feudale, L., Teruzzi, A., Bolzon, G., Coidessa, G., Solidoro C., Amadio, C., Lazzari, P., Brosich, A., Di Biagio, V., and Salon, S., 2021. High-resolution reanalysis of the Mediterranean Sea biogeochemistry (1999-2019). Frontiers in Marine Science. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:741486.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.741486 ''Product Citation'': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products. ''DOI (Product)'': ''DOI (Interim dataset)'':

  • '''Short description:''' The GLORYS12V1 product is the CMEMS global ocean eddy-resolving (1/12° horizontal resolution, 50 vertical levels) reanalysis covering the altimetry (1993 onward). It is based largely on the current real-time global forecasting CMEMS system. The model component is the NEMO platform driven at surface by ECMWF ERA-Interim then ERA5 reanalyses for recent years. Observations are assimilated by means of a reduced-order Kalman filter. Along track altimeter data (Sea Level Anomaly), Satellite Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Ice Concentration and In situ Temperature and Salinity vertical Profiles are jointly assimilated. Moreover, a 3D-VAR scheme provides a correction for the slowly-evolving large-scale biases in temperature and salinity. This product includes daily and monthly mean files for temperature, salinity, currents, sea level, mixed layer depth and ice parameters from the top to the bottom. The global ocean output files are displayed on a standard regular grid at 1/12° (approximatively 8 km) and on 50 standard levels. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description''': The BLKSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_007_001 is produced with a hydrodynamic model implemented over the whole Black Sea basin, including the Bosporus Strait and a portion of the Marmara Sea for the optimal interface with the Mediterranean Sea through lateral open boundary conditions. The model horizontal grid resolution is 1/40° in zonal and 1/40° in meridional direction (ca. 121 km) and has 121 unevenly spaced vertical levels. The product provides analysis and forecast for 3D potential temperature, salinity, horizontal and vertical currents. Together with the 2D variables sea surface height, bottom potential temperature and mixed layer thickness. '''Product Citation''': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products. '''DOI (Product)''':

  • '''Short description:''' The Operational Mercator Ocean biogeochemical global ocean analysis and forecast system at 1/4 degree is providing 10 days of 3D global ocean forecasts updated weekly. The time series is aggregated in time, in order to reach a two full year’s time series sliding window. This product includes daily and monthly mean files of biogeochemical parameters (chlorophyll, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, dissolved oxygen, dissolved iron, primary production, phytoplankton, PH, and surface partial pressure of carbon dioxyde) over the global ocean. The global ocean output files are displayed with a 1/4 degree horizontal resolution with regular longitude/latitude equirectangular projection. 50 vertical levels are ranging from 0 to 5700 meters. * NEMO version (v3.6_STABLE) * Forcings: GLOBAL_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_001_024 at daily frequency. * Outputs mean fields are interpolated on a standard regular grid in NetCDF format. * Initial conditions: World Ocean Atlas 2013 for nitrate, phosphate, silicate and dissolved oxygen, GLODAPv2 for DIC and Alkalinity, and climatological model outputs for Iron and DOC * Quality/Accuracy/Calibration information: See the related QuID[] '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' This Baltic Sea biogeochemical model product provides forecasts for the biogeochemical conditions in the Baltic Sea. The Baltic forecast is updated daily providing a new six days forecast. Three different datasets are provided. One with daily means and one with monthly means values for these parameters: nitrate, phosphate, chl-a, ammonium, dissolved oxygen, ph, phytoplankton, zooplankton, silicate, dissolved inorganic carbon, and partial pressure of co2 at the surface. Instantaenous values for the Secchi Depth and light attenuation valid for noon (12Z) are included in the daily mean files/dataset. Additionally a third dataset with daily accumulated values of the netto primary production is available. The product is produced by the biogeochemical model ERGOM (Neumann, 2000) one way coupled to a Baltic Sea set up of the NEMO ocean model, which provides the CMEMS Baltic physical ocean forecast product (BALTICSEA_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_003_006). This biogeochemical product is provided at the models native grid with a resolution of 1 nautical mile in the horizontal, and up to 56 vertical depth levels. The product covers the Baltic Sea including the transition area towards the North Sea (i.e. the Danish Belts, the Kattegat and Skagerrak). '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short Description''' The physical component of the Mediterranean Forecasting System (Med-Physics) is a coupled hydrodynamic-wave model implemented over the whole Mediterranean Basin including tides. The model horizontal grid resolution is 1/24˚ (ca. 4 km) and has 141 unevenly spaced vertical levels. The hydrodynamics are supplied by the Nucleous for European Modelling of the Ocean NEMO (v4.2) and include the representation of tides, while the wave component is provided by Wave Watch-III (v6.07) coupled through OASIS; the model solutions are corrected by a 3DVAR assimilation scheme (OceanVar) for temperature and salinity vertical profiles and along track satellite Sea Level Anomaly observations. ''Product Citation'': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products. ''DOI (Product)'':