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  • '''Short Description''' The Mediterranean Sea biogeochemical reanalysis at 1/24° of horizontal resolution (ca. 4 km) covers the period from Jan 1999 to 1 month to the present and is produced by means of the MedBFM3 model system. MedBFM3, which is run by OGS (IT), includes the transport model OGSTM v4.0 coupled with the biogeochemical flux model BFM v5 and the variational data assimilation module 3DVAR-BIO v2.1 for surface chlorophyll. MedBFM3 is forced by the physical reanalysis (MEDSEA_MULTIYEAR_PHY_006_004 product run by CMCC) that provides daily forcing fields (i.e., currents, temperature, salinity, diffusivities, wind and solar radiation). The ESA-CCI database of surface chlorophyll concentration (CMEMS-OCTAC REP product) is assimilated with a weekly frequency. Cossarini, G., Feudale, L., Teruzzi, A., Bolzon, G., Coidessa, G., Solidoro C., Amadio, C., Lazzari, P., Brosich, A., Di Biagio, V., and Salon, S., 2021. High-resolution reanalysis of the Mediterranean Sea biogeochemistry (1999-2019). Frontiers in Marine Science. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:741486.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.741486 ''Product Citation'': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products. ''DOI (Product)'': ''DOI (Interim dataset)'':

  • '''Short Description''' The biogeochemical analysis and forecasts for the Mediterranean Sea at 1/24° of horizontal resolution (ca. 4 km) are produced by means of the MedBFM4 model system. MedBFM4, which is run by OGS (IT), consists of the coupling of the multi-stream atmosphere radiative model OASIM, the multi-stream in-water radiative and tracer transport model OGSTM_BIOPTIMOD v4.3, and the biogeochemical flux model BFM v5. Additionally, MedBFM4 features the 3D variational data assimilation scheme 3DVAR-BIO v3.3 with the assimilation of surface chlorophyll (CMEMS-OCTAC NRT product) and of vertical profiles of chlorophyll, nitrate and oxygen (BGC-Argo floats provided by CORIOLIS DAC). The biogeochemical MedBFM system, which is forced by the NEMO-OceanVar model (MEDSEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHY_006_013 product run by CMCC), produces one day of hindcast and ten days of forecast (every day) and seven days of analysis (weekly on Tuesday). Salon, S., Cossarini, G., Bolzon, G., Feudale, L., Lazzari, P., Teruzzi, A., Solidoro, C., Crise, A., 2019. Marine Ecosystem forecasts: skill performance of the CMEMS Mediterranean Sea model system. Ocean Sci. Discuss. 1–35. ''Product Citation'': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products. ''DOI (Product)'':