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  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Arctic''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy) is providing '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' products. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP, OLCI-S3A & OLCI-S3B for the '''""multi""''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''""olci""''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Suspended Matter ('''SPM'''), Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''), Detrital and Dissolved Material Absorption Coef. ('''ADG443''), Phytoplankton Absorption Coef. ('''APH443''), Total Absorption Coef. ('''ATOT443'') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''daily''', '''monthly'''. * Spatial resolutions: '''1 km''' (multi) or '''300 meters''' (olci). * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Black Sea''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy), is providing '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' regional datasets: * '''''plankton''''' with the phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration (CHL) evaluated via region-specific algorithms (Zibordi et al., 2015; Kajiyama et al., 2018), and the interpolated '''gap-free''' Chl concentration (to provide a ""cloud free"" product) estimated by means of a modified version of the DINEOF algorithm (Volpe et al., 2018) * '''''transparency''''' with the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (KD490) (for '''""multi'''"" observations achieved via region-specific algorithm, Volpe et al., 2019) '''Upstreams''': SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''""multi""''' products, and OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''""olci""''' products '''Temporal resolutions''': monthly and daily (for '''""gap-free""''' data) '''Spatial resolutions''': 1 km for '''""multi""''' and 300 meters for '''""olci""''' To find this product in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''""OCEANCOLOUR_BLK_BGC_L4_NRT""'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Mediterranean Sea''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy), is providing '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' regional datasets: * '''''plankton''''' with the phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration (CHL) evaluated via region-specific algorithms (Case 1 waters: Volpe et al., 2019, with new coefficients; Case 2 waters, Berthon and Zibordi, 2004), and the interpolated '''gap-free''' Chl concentration (to provide a ""cloud free"" product) estimated by means of a modified version of the DINEOF algorithm (Volpe et al., 2018) * '''''transparency''''' with the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (KD490) (for '''""multi'''"" observations achieved via region-specific algorithm, Volpe et al., 2019) '''Upstreams''': SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''""multi""''' products, and OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''""olci""''' products '''Temporal resolutions''': monthly and daily (for '''""gap-free""''' data) '''Spatial resolutions''': 1 km for '''""multi""''' and 300 meters for '''""olci""''' To find this product in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''""OCEANCOLOUR_MED_BGC_L4_NRT""'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Arctic''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy) is providing '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' products. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP, OLCI-S3A & OLCI-S3B for the '''""multi""''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''""olci""''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL''') and Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''). * Temporal resolutions:'''monthly'''. * Spatial resolutions: '''1 km''' (multi) or '''300 meters''' (olci). * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Black Sea''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy), is providing multi-years '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' regional datasets: * '''''plankton''''' with the phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration (CHL) evaluated via region-specific algorithms (Zibordi et al., 2015; Kajiyama et al., 2018) and Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) evaluated via region-specific algorithm * '''''reflectance''''' with the spectral Remote Sensing Reflectance (RRS) * '''''transparency''''' with the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (KD490) * '''''optics''''' including the IOPs (Inherent Optical Properties) such as absorption and scattering and particulate and dissolved matter (ADG, APH, BBP), via QAAv6 model (Lee et al., 2002 and updates) '''Upstreams''': SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"olci"''' products '''Temporal resolution''': daily '''Spatial resolution''': 1 km for '''"multi"''' and 300 meters for '''"olci"''' To find this product in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"OCEANCOLOUR_BLK_BGC_L3_MY"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' The TOPAZ-ECOSMO reanalysis system assimilates satellite chlorophyll observations and in situ nutrient profiles. The model uses the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) coupled online to a sea ice model and the ECOSMO biogeochemical model. It uses the Determinstic version of the Ensemble Kalman Smoother to assimilate remotely sensed colour data and nutrient profiles. Data assimilation, including the 80-member ensemble production, is performed every 8-days. Atmospheric forcing fields from the ECMWF ERA-5 dataset are used. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''"olci"''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Suspended Matter ('''SPM'''), Secchi Transparency Depth ('''ZSD'''), Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''), Particulate Backscattering ('''BBP'''), Absorption Coef. ('''CDM''') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''daily'''. * Spatial resolutions: '''4 km''' and a finer resolution based on olci '''300 meters''' inputs. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description: ''' For the '''Global''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', ACRI-ST company (Sophia Antipolis, France) is providing '''Bio-Geo-Chemical (BGC)''' products based on the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' processor. * Upstreams: SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and S3A & S3B only for the '''"olci"''' products. * Variables: Chlorophyll-a ('''CHL'''), Phytoplankton Functional types and sizes ('''PFT'''), Suspended Matter ('''SPM'''), Secchi Transparency Depth ('''ZSD'''), Diffuse Attenuation ('''KD490'''), Particulate Backscattering ('''BBP'''), Absorption Coef. ('''CDM''') and Reflectance ('''RRS'''). * Temporal resolutions: '''daily''' * Spatial resolutions: '''4 km''' and a finer resolution based on olci '''300 meters''' inputs. * Recent products are organized in datasets called Near Real Time ('''NRT''') and long time-series (from 1997) in datasets called Multi-Years ('''MY'''). To find the '''Copernicus-GlobColour''' products in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"GlobColour"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' The operational TOPAZ5-ECOSMO Arctic Ocean system uses the ECOSMO biological model coupled online to the TOPAZ5 physical model planned for a future update of the ARCTIC_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_002_001_a physical forecast. It is run daily to provide 10 days of forecast of 3D biogeochemical variables ocean. The coupling is done by the FABM framework. Coupling to a biological ocean model provides a description of the evolution of basic biogeochemical variables. The output consists of daily mean fields interpolated onto a standard grid and 40 fixed levels in NetCDF4 CF format. Variables include 3D fields of nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate), phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass, oxygen, chlorophyll, primary productivity, carbon cycle variables (pH, dissolved inorganic carbon and surface partial CO2 pressure in seawater, carbon export) and light attenuation coefficient. Surface Chlorophyll-a from satellite ocean colour is assimilated every week and projected downwards using the Uitz et al. (2006) method. A new 10-day forecast is produced daily using the previous day's forecast and the most up-to-date prognostic forcing fields. Output products have 6.25 km resolution at the North Pole (equivalent to 1/8 deg) on a stereographic projection. See the Product User Manual for the exact projection parameters. '''DOI (product) :'''

  • '''Short description:''' For the '''Mediterranean Sea''' Ocean '''Satellite Observations''', the Italian National Research Council (CNR – Rome, Italy), is providing multi-years '''Bio-Geo_Chemical (BGC)''' regional datasets: * '''''plankton''''' with the phytoplankton chlorophyll concentration (CHL) evaluated via region-specific algorithms (Case 1 waters: Volpe et al., 2019, with new coefficients; Case 2 waters, Berthon and Zibordi, 2004) and Phytoplankton Functional Types (PFT) evaluated via region-specific algorithm (Di Cicco et al. 2017) * '''''reflectance''''' with the spectral Remote Sensing Reflectance (RRS) * '''''transparency''''' with the diffuse attenuation coefficient of light at 490 nm (KD490) (for '''"multi'''" observations achieved via region-specific algorithm, Volpe et al., 2019) * '''''optics''''' including the IOPs (Inherent Optical Properties) such as absorption and scattering and particulate and dissolved matter (ADG, APH, BBP), via QAAv6 model (Lee et al., 2002 and updates) * '''''pp''''' with the Integrated Primary Production (PP) '''Upstreams''': SeaWiFS, MODIS, MERIS, VIIRS-SNPP & JPSS1, OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"multi"''' products, and OLCI-S3A & S3B for the '''"olci"''' products '''Temporal resolution''': daily '''Spatial resolution''': 1 km for '''"multi"''' and 300 meters for '''"olci"''' To find this product in the catalogue, use the search keyword '''"OCEANCOLOUR_MED_BGC_L3_MY"'''. '''DOI (product) :'''